The Benefits of Foot, Chew, and Foraging Cockatiel Toys for Your Pet Bird

Are you looking to give your cockatiel the ultimate combination of mental stimulation and physical exercise?In this glog we share benefits of foot, chew, and foraging parrot toys that will make your bird happier and healthier!

Cockatiel Toys

As a loving pet owner, you want to provide your cockatiel with the best possible care. One way to keep your bird entertained and engaged is by providing them with the right toys. Cockatiels are known for being playful creatures, and by providing them with the right type of toys, you can help keep their minds stimulated and their bodies active. Foot, chew, and foraging cockatiel toys, in particular, are some of the best toys for your pet bird. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of these toys and why you should consider adding them to your bird’s collection.

Foot Toys

Foot toys are small items that can be clipped to the side of a cockatiel’s cage. These toys range from colorful plastic figures to bells and ropes. They often come in smaller sizes than regular bird toys, so they’re safe for your pet to use without any risk of choking or injury. Foot toys encourage your cockatiel to exercise their feet as they play with the objects. This helps maintain your bird's foot health and prevents them from developing any unhealthy habits due to boredom. Most cockatiels don't really tend to use their feet to hold food and other objects. They might like a foot toy to chew, but they usually won't pick it up as larger parrots do.

Foot toys are designed to be held and played with by your cockatiel’s feet. These toys are great for improving your bird’s dexterity and hand-eye coordination, and can also help to strengthen their muscles. Foot toys come in a variety of shapes and sizes, from small balls to wooden blocks, and can be made from a range of materials, including wood, plastic, and natural fibers. By providing your bird with a selection of foot toys, you are providing them with a fun and interactive way to develop their motor skills.

Chew Toys

Chew toys are another great option for your pet bird. These toys are designed to help keep their beaks and claws healthy, while also providing them with an outlet for their natural urge to chew. Chew toys come in a variety of shapes and sizes, from wood blocks to rope swings. By giving your cockatiel something fun to chew on, you are providing them with a safe outlet for their energy and helping to keep their beak and claws in good condition. Chewing on wood keeps beaks trim and healthy.

Cockatiels are known for their love of chewing, which is why chew toys are a must-have for any pet bird owner. Providing your bird with chew toys can help to satisfy their natural urge to gnaw, which can reduce the likelihood of them chewing on furniture or other household items. Chew toys can also help to keep your bird’s beak healthy, as they promote healthy wear and tear. When choosing chew toys for your cockatiel, opt for options made from natural materials such as wood or bamboo and avoid toys made from plastic or other artificial materials.

Foraging Toys

Foraging toys are another essential type of toy for cockatiels. These toys offer your bird the opportunity to explore and discover new treats, helping to keep them active and engaged. Foraging toys often come in the form of a box or basket filled with small items that can be moved around by your cockatiel. From dried fruits to nuts and seeds, you can fill your foraging toy with a variety of treats that your bird will love. Additionally, these toys are great for helping to stimulate their natural curiosity and intelligence. It also encourages their instinctual need to forage.

No matter which type of toy you choose for your cockatiel, it is important to remember that variety is key. By providing your pet bird with a selection of foot, chew, and foraging toys, you are sure to keep them entertained and engaged. And who knows - maybe your bird will even discover a new favorite toy! For more tips on how to provide the best care for your pet bird, be sure to consult your local avian expert.

Combination Toys

Combination toys offer your cockatiel a range of different play experiences. These toys typically combine elements of foot toys, chew toys, and foraging toys to provide your bird with a variety of stimulation and play. Combination toys can help to keep your bird entertained for longer periods of time, as they provide a range of different activities and challenges. Opt for combination toys that are made from natural materials and that are appropriately sized for your cockatiel.

Cockatiel Toys
Cockatiel Toys


What kind of toys do cockatiels need?

Cockatiels need toys that can help stimulate their minds and bodies, such as foot toys, chew toys, and foraging toys. Combination toys are also a great option, as they offer your pet bird a variety of play experiences.  To stimulate their natural behaviors, you can include some preening toys for cockatiels as well and put them in your bird's cage. Cockatiels and other parrots have a natural preening instinct. After all, keeping those feathers clean and bonding with flock mates through preening is very important.

Are plastic toys safe for cockatiels?

Plastic toys should be avoided as they can pose a choking hazard. Opt for toys made from natural materials, such as wood or bamboo, which are safer and more durable. You can read more about safe toys here or by clicking the picture below.

Ensuring Safety with Cockatiel Toys: What to Put in The Cage
Discover how you can ensure your little feathery friend remains safe at home by giving them the best cockatiel toys and items to play with.

What can I give my cockatiel to play with?

You can give your cockatiel a variety of toys to play with, such as foot toys, chew toys, crinkle paper and foraging toys. Combination toys are also great options as they offer your pet bird several different kinds of stimulation. Be sure to select age-appropriate toys that are made from safe materials.

How often should I replace my cockatiel’s toys?

Your cockatiel’s toys should be replaced regularly to ensure that they remain in good condition and are safe for your pet bird. Additionally, providing your pet with new toys every so often can help to keep them entertained and engaged. As a general rule of thumb, you should aim to replace your bird’s toys every few months.

Are there any toys I should avoid for my cockatiel?

You should avoid giving your pet bird toys that contain small parts or made from hazardous materials, such as plastic. Additionally, you should opt for age-appropriate toys that are designed specifically for birds and are sized appropriately for them. If you’re unsure about what type of toy is best for your cockatiel, be sure to consult with your local avian expert.

Is it a good idea to give my pet bird multiple toys?

Yes, providing your pet bird with several different types of toys is a great way to keep them mentally and physically stimulated. With a variety of toys, your bird can explore and discover a range of different activities and challenges. Variety is key when it comes to keeping your pet bird entertained, so be sure to provide them with an array of different toys.

Can I make my own toys for my cockatiel?

Yes, you can make your own toys for your pet bird. There are many DIY bird toy ideas that you can find online, such as rope swings and ladders made from natural materials. Making your own toys is a great way to provide your pet with something fun and interactive while also saving money. Just make sure the toys are appropriately sized for your cockatiel and safe for them to use.

How to Make DIY Cockatiel Toys: Easy and Affordable Ideas
Are you looking for fun, creative, and easy ways to entertain your cockatiel? In this blog, we’re going to show you how to make your own DIY toys for your bird that will be both affordable and entertaining.

What do cockatiels like to do for fun?

Cockatiels love to explore, discover new things, and interact with their environment. Providing your pet bird with a variety of toys is a great way to keep them mentally and physically stimulated. Toys that encourage physical activity, such as foot toys and foraging toys, are especially great for keeping your cockatiel engaged and entertained. Additionally, playing interactive games such as hide-and-seek can also be a lot of fun for your pet bird.

Remember to always consult with your local avian expert when caring for your pet cockatiel to ensure that they are getting the best possible care. With the right toys and care, you can keep your pet bird happy and healthy for many years to come!

How many toys should a cockatiel have?

It is recommended that you provide your cockatiel with a range of different toys, each offering something unique in terms of stimulation and play. Generally speaking, you should aim to have at least 3-4 toys available for your pet bird at any given time. There are many options for safe toys to place in cockatiel cages. Additionally, it is important to regularly rotate their toys so that they don’t become bored or over-stimulated. Doing so will ensure that your pet bird is always entertained and engaged!

What do cockatiels love the most?

Cockatiels love variety and will enjoy exploring new things. Providing them with a selection of foot toys, chew toys, and foraging toys is sure to keep them entertained. Additionally, playing interactive games such as hide-and-seek can also be a lot of fun for your pet bird. And of course, cockatiels love spending time with their owners and being showered with attention.  With the right toys and care, you can give your pet bird an enjoyable life full of fun, adventure, and love! You can provide the wooden beads that encourage them to play. Adding some textured landscape gives your feathered friend encourages their engagement and gives them good foot and beak exercise.

Should cockatiels be in cage all day?

No, cockatiels should not be kept in their cages all day. In fact, it is important to provide your pet bird with regular supervised out-of-cage playtime every day. Doing so will help to keep them mentally and physically active while also providing an outlet for their natural behaviors. Providing your cockatiel with plenty of toys and safe play areas, such as aviaries and flight cages, is also essential for their wellbeing.

Are rope toys safe for cockatiels?

Yes, rope toys are generally safe for cockatiels. However, you should avoid any rope toys that contain small parts or strings, as these can pose a choking hazard. Additionally, always inspect the toy before giving it to your pet bird to make sure that it is free from tears and frays. In principle, sisal or cotton rope toys and perches are safe, but they can pose a danger. If your bird likes to chew its rope toys, you should remove them. Lastly, be sure to select age-appropriate rope toys that are designed specifically for birds and sized appropriately for them. Toys that are constructed from natural soft wood, coconut shell, or natural sisal rope are good choices.

What are the best toys for a cockatiels?

The best toys for cockatiels are those that provide mental stimulation and encourage physical activity. The kinds of toys cockatiles like include hanging bird toys, chewable toys, puzzle toys and toys they can climb, perch on, roll, move and bat. Combination toys, such as ladders and swings made from natural materials, can be particularly great options. Foraging toys are also an excellent choice as they help to keep your pet bird active while providing them with a challenge. Additionally, chew toys are important for keeping their beaks trimmed and providing relief to their gums. When selecting a toy, make sure it is made from safe materials and age-appropriate for your feathered friend.

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At the end...

By providing your cockatiel with the right toys, you can help keep them engaged and entertained while also supporting their natural instincts. Foot, chew, and foraging toys are some of the best types of toys for your pet bird, as they provide a range of stimulation and promote healthy physical activity. Make sure to check the size of each toy before buying it to ensure it is appropriate for your bird and opt for toys made from natural materials to reduce the risk of harm. With the right selection of toys, you can provide your cockatiel with hours of fun and entertainment!

Toys are an essential part of any cockatiel’s care routine. Foot, chew, and foraging toys are some of the best options for your pet bird, providing them with a range of different activities and challenges. By incorporating these types of toys into your bird’s playtime routine, you can help keep your bird entertained and engaged, while also supporting their physical and mental well-being. When shopping for toys for your cockatiel, look for options made from natural materials and appropriately sized for your bird. With the right toys in your bird's collection, you can create a happy and healthy home for your pet bird. Have fun picking out safe toys and introducing them to your feathered friend! Click the button below to see our list of top 3 cockatiel toys you can buy today!